Write a Book in a Day

Welcome to Australia's most unique team writing competition

The annual Write a Book in a Day competition stretches creativity by challenging teams to write and illustrate a book in just 12 hours. Teamwork, resilience and creativity are the names of the game, but of course, there are some amazing prizes up for grabs too!

This fun challenge is the perfect activity for students in Years 5 – 12, as well as adult writing groups.

Teams are encouraged to fundraise during the competition, with entry fees and all money raised going directly to The Kids’ Cancer Project to support vital childhood cancer research. Every book submitted will also be made available for free to kids in hospitals around Australia.

Write a Book in a Day has been successfully running annually since 2002, during which time it has continued to grow and break fundraising records year on year.

“It’s wonderful to witness students working and creating together while raising money for an amazing cause.” - Julie S, teacher at St Andrew's Lutheran College 

To find out more and to register, click the link below

Learn more

Contact us on 1800 651 158 or at info@writeabookinaday.com for more information.

Tips, Tricks & Experiences

Vlogging tips to document your book writing

Vlogging tips to video your writing experience

Your Write a Book in a Day team is sure to be filled with lots of talented writers. But if your teammates or friends are handier behind a camera than with words, they can still help make the day a success!

Write a book in a team

In praise of Write a Book in a Day

Every year, students and teachers alike look forward to Write a Book in a Day, but don’t take our word for it, read what they have to say about it.

Learning and experience of writing a book

Cancer fight goes by the book

Write a Book in a Day gives students the opportunity to develop skills that will set them up for life. The competition also raises vital funds for medical research to help kids with cancer.