Col Reynolds Fellowships

Future proofing childhood cancer research by attracting and retaining scientists in the field.

About the Col Reynolds Fellowships

As part of our 30th Anniversary celebrations and to ensure ground-breaking medical research into childhood cancer flourishes The Kids' Cancer Project established the Col Reynolds Fellowships. Named for founder Col Reynolds OAM, the aim of the Fellowships is to future proof childhood cancer research by encouraging new researchers and retaining talented scientists in the field of childhood cancer research. 

  • Clinical Research Fellowships that will retain the brightest and most promising clinical researchers who have a demonstrated passion for improving the outcome for children with cancer. Funding has provided an opportunity for qualified medical and allied health clinicians and research nurses to develop research capabilities and increase research capacity in areas relevant to childhood cancer.
  • Career Development Fellowships that will support the career advancement of early-career and mid-career childhood cancer researchers through the development of research and leadership skills while encouraging team-based research and collaborations. The funding will support innovative and/or novel approaches to childhood cancer research that will achieve significant outcomes and demonstrate valuable findings for kid’s facing childhood cancer.
  • PhD Top-up Scholarships were established to provide financial assistance to PhD students to undertake childhood cancer research that aligns with priority areas and the strategy of The Kids’ Cancer Project. 

The Kid’ Cancer Projects commitment of over $7.6 million towards these fellowships is only possible thanks to the generous and ongoing donations from our supporters. This multi-year commitment to these Col Reynolds Fellowships aims to future proof childhood cancer research by investing in the next generation of researchers and retaining the brilliantly talented scientists already making great strides in the field of childhood cancer research. The vision of this investment is to ensure The Kids Cancer Projects vision that 100% of children, adolescents and young adults survive cancer and live with no long-term health implications caused by their treatment. 

The Kids' Cancer Project has earmarked multi-year funding for 24 Fellowships and PhD scholarship top ups. 

The Col Reynolds Fellowships funding.

  • 5 Early-Career Scientists
  • 6 Mid-Career Scientists 
  • 4 Clinical Fellowships - Medical 
  • 2 Clinical Fellowships - Allied Health 
  • 7 PhD Scholarship - Top ups

This funding round is now complete, and your ongoing support will support these research projects focusing across The Kids’ Cancer Projects four research pillars.

The Kids’ Cancer Project Research Focuses

Magnifying glass iconDiscover

Hypothesis driven, innovative basic (T0-discovery) research that will improve our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of childhood cancer and identify novel, safe and effective new treatment strategies and technologies that will have the potential to translate to patient benefit in the clinic.

Microscope iconTranslate

High-quality clinical research (T1-T4) programs and processes that are informed by discovery research, will directly translate to a patient benefit and facilitate equal access to clinical care resulting in a positive impact on survival rates and quality of life for all children with cancer.

Bear holding heart iconSupport

Research programs and services aimed at enhancing cancer care by managing long-term effects, reducing side effects, improving service delivery, and engaging patients. Implementing these improvements in standard care will provide sustainable and improved care for cancer survivors.

Puzzle pieces with smiling facesBuild

Build resources, infrastructure and research tool kits that will facilitate high quality research and future proof the childhood cancer research landscape. Build networks and partnerships to increase funding capacity, shape policy/process and increase awareness and support from government agencies, industry, philanthropic partners and the community.

Meet our Col Reynolds Fellows 

With an investment of over $7.6 million, The Kids’ Cancer Project is ensuring that some of the best and brightest young researchers in Australia can further their careers and most importantly, their impact on childhood cancer research.

Find out more

Support Funding the Future of Childhood Cancer Research

Our commitment of $7.6 million towards the Col Reynolds Fellowships is thanks to the generous and ongoing support of the community and our partners. Help us assist talented young researchers and keep them in the field by making a donation today.

Focused funding towards Australia’s best and brightest scientists from career outset to its pinnacle is crucial in expanding our knowledge and survival rates across all childhood cancers if we are to ensure 100% healthy survival of Aussie kids.

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