International clinical trials support

Australian and New Zealand Children’s Haematology/Oncology Group funded for international trials.
Australian and New Zealand Children’s Haematology/Oncology Group funded for international trials.

Recipient: ANZCHOG
Institution: Monash University

TKCP Funding: $600,00 January 2024 to December 2026
Previous Funding: $1,075,000 July 2015 to June 2024

Helping children with cancer through collaboration

The Kids’ Cancer Project have supports ANZCHOG who are the peak professional body for paediatric oncologists and health professionals who care for children with cancer. ANZCHOG’s activities are crucial in supporting our vision to see 100% of children, adolescents and young adults survive cancer and live with no long-term health implications caused by their treatment

ANZCHOG is also the national cooperative clinical trials group for childhood cancer, actively working with trial consortia around the world to ensure Australian and New Zealand children have the opportunity to access the latest promising cancer treatments.

The Kids Cancer Projects funding is for two priorities areas:


  1. Provide opportunities for Australian and New Zealand children diagnosed with cancer to access to the latest and innovative clinical trials

The Kids Cancer Projects supports ANZCHOG to undertake activities required for the activation and recruitment of international and national trials. Supporting direct trial costs, resourcing for centralised start-up and trial conduct activities, national sponsor and oversight and essential regulatory and quality assurance processes for all ANZCHOG-sponsored trials.


  1. Implementing frameworks for the coordinated collection of data 

The Kids’ cancer Project will continue to support the development of an Australian national data-set for the production of childhood cancer statistics through the prospective data collection project Cancer Incidence Registry in Children and Adolescents (CIRCAA). Establishing a registry for the real-time data collection of cancer incidence (new diagnoses and relapses) and clinical trial enrolment information in children and adolescents (ages 0-25) presenting to Australian children cancer centres.

Read more: Impact report | Inspirational increase in clinical trials